A delicate, effective and amazingly nourishing massage oil that cares for your precious baby. Massages are the most important way to care for a new born, it provides a feeling of comfort and safety. Using massage oils that care as much as you do for your baby is important. Amsarveda’s baby massage oil is 100% natural using only cold pressed oils of Sesame, Rice bran, Wheat germ and Olive oils that lubricate and protect the sensitive skin of your new born. Virgin Coconut oil helps nourish the skin and jasmine oil provides a safe delicate fragrance to keep your baby calm and happy
Amsarveda Baby Massage Oil
Dispense adequate amount of oil (warm if required) to your palms and gently massage the entire body of the infant. A massage should last for 20 minutes and the residual oil wiped off with a warm cloth.